Rätikon Hike Overview

30 June to 6 July 2024
Sankt Antönien to Sankt Antönien - 86 km (54 miles) - 7 days
Our good friend Dawn wanted to do a hike a head of her longer and harder hike in Italy and France later in July. We thought it was a good idea for us too as we were going to be doing harder hikes later in the year; the Tour de Mont Blanc, Inka Trail, and the Huayhuash Circuit.
Getting there
These mountains are not well served by planes or even trains. For us in London, it was best to fly to Zürich, then a train to Landquart, then another train to Küblis, and finally a bus to Sankt Antönien. It takes about 2.5 hours.
The trail
The trails are really well marked and go along both sides of the Rätikon range. If you cross the mountains at any of the passes, you will likely move to a new country; Switzerland, Austria, and Lichtenstein. You can put together any trip you want and cross over as many times as you like. The trails are all well marked. We designed a trail that fit our seven day schedule. We were also early in the season, so there was a fair bit of snow and ice at the higher passes and huts.
There is nothing technical, unless you want to do some mountaineering. However, there was a lot of snow, even in early June. Enough snow that I am very glad we bought and brough mircospikes.
They are amazing. Better than the ones we found on our Tour de Mont Blanc hike I don’t think there is a camping option. They are very clean, the food is good, lovely places to stay.
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